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Illuminating pathways forward-
Addressing the invisible unmet needs
of brain injury survivors. 

You can shine a light
on these invisible needs. 

Everyone knows someone with a brain injury...
That special someone might not know it yet.

Brain Injury Is Widespread and Debilitating

Acquired brain injuries permanently debilitate 60 million people annually, leading to social isolation and

loss of identity.

Hand holding a paper sheet with human head icon broken into pieces over a crowded street b

Our Mission

is to transform the life trajectories of acquired brain injury (ABI) survivors by addressing the gaps in the brain injury care path and removing the disparities this invisible community endures.

We bring cutting-edge medical expertise, brain injury advocacy, and the lived experience of survivors to the same table. 

A diverse group of people sitting at a round table with a map of the world covering the table

Community Is How We Thrive 

Brain Network has created a safe online community for brain injury survivors to enhance cognitive abilities and gain independent living skills.

A supportive community after a brain injury can significantly contribute to an individual's recovery by providing emotional, practical, and informational support while fostering a sense of belonging and understanding.

Support Brain Network's Community

Your generous contribution helps us connect resources, information, and education in order to help this marginalized population.

Your donations make our mission a reality. 

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